Getting Started

Welcome to Mintlify! Follow these simple steps to get your documentation up and running.

1. Set Up Your Repository

  1. Create a documentation repository by either:
  2. Install our GitHub app from the dashboard settings to enable automatic deployments

2. Update Your Content

Choose your preferred editing method:

3. Customize Your Docs

Update the mint.json file to configure:

  • Brand colors
  • Logo
  • Navigation
  • Other global settings
  "name": "Your Company",
  "logo": {
    "light": "/logo/light.svg",
    "dark": "/logo/dark.svg"
  "colors": {
    "primary": "#2AB673"

4. Deploy Your Changes

Commit and push your changes to automatically deploy your updates. You can also manually deploy through the dashboard.

5. Add a Custom Domain (Optional)

Set up a custom domain through your dashboard settings to integrate docs with your website.

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